Finding your authentic voice is extremely important when you have a personal brand! Knowing your strengths, your ideal client’s current situation, and lessons you’ve learned along the way can really bring out your true self and help create a deeper connection with your audience. Below I will elaborate on what each of those mean and how you can use them to bring out your authentic voice!
Your strengths
Think of the things you are good at, the things people love about you, and the little quirks you have that make you, YOU. Don’t shy away from showing these off because this is who you are and is what is going to make you stand out.
Your ideal client’s current situation
Think of where you ideal client is at in life. What challenges may they be facing? What problems do they currently have? Is there something they really need to hear right now? Maybe it’s words of encouragement or maybe you have a solution to their problem you can share. really dig deep into the things that will resonate with them.
Lessons You’ve learned along the way
We have all travelled our own little path and have all gone through something that has taught us something in one way or another. Someone may be going through something very similar to what you’ve been through previously and sharing your experience let’s them know they aren’t alone and may even help them overcome whatever it is they are going through.
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