It’s important to recognize that everyone experience some sort of creative rut at some point in their lives. It is totally normal, but it’s also important to make sure we get out of this rut and don’t sit in it for too long.
A few things I like to do when I am feeling uninspired or in a creative rut:
1. Ditch the technology for a day
It’s crazy how many more ideas and plans I can come up with if I stay off of my computer and phone for an entire day. I feel like we are constantly bombarded with new information, content, and conversations. It can become overwhelming and we just end up too tired to come up with anything on our own. So ditching it for a day really helps me to reset and re-align myself with the type of work I envision myself creating.
2. Change of environment or daily routine
If you’re like me and get into kind of an auto-pilot mode when you have a consistent routine, then overtime you’ll likely feel like you are just re-creating the same thing over and over and need to try something new. Don’t get me wrong, a routine keeps me grounded and super productive. But, it also can put me into a feeling of rinse and repeat. Whenever this happens I try to either head out on a vacation for a change of scenery and reset or I take the day completely off. I throw my routine out the window for the day and just do things that make me the happiest. Often, that’s exactly what I needed and I am ready to go the next day!
3. Plan a styled shoot or creative project with elements that get you excited
This one works every-time! Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to start the planning process. But, once you get started you get that spark back! You’re deciding every aspect of the project, you’re picking elements that you love, and it just gets you excited to create again!

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